What is Lockerstock.

Lockerstock is your all in one place for your print on demand and fulfilment needs owned and ran by Iconecom.  
Lockerstock integrates with Shopify, Etsy and Amazon, It's completely free to have a Lockerstock account
without any integration and with a subscription for the integrations.

Once you have added your products to lockerstock and you have an integration with your platform you can simply add them
to your website with one single click. Your product will then be connected to your account via API and will manage you
orders automatically. This will collect all your customers details, process the order and email your customer the tracking link.

So What's a Lockerstock Push?

For every design pack you purchase from us here at Designs For POD you are eligible for a Lockerstock push.
Please note you must already have a Lockerstock account for this and is not for individual designs. We will shoot your
entire design pack right into your Lockerstock account ready for you to push it across to your website, including mockups,
product descriptions and one tag of the design pack name allowing it to go straight to a collection.

Any products that have live product personalization or image uploads will be completely set up for you saving you hours of work


How Do I Get A Lockerstock Push?

Use the live chat found anywhere on our website and let us know the pack you purchased along with the email you used at the 

time of purchase and your Lockerstock user name.

We aim to have your pack in your account within 24 hours Monday to Friday and we are working with Print Tech to automate 

the process for instant delivery.

If you don't have a lockerstock account you can get started below.


Check Out Our Lockerstock Training Below.

The videos below are an embedded playlist, use the icon in the top right side of the player to rotate through the videos.